
We dreamt to bring investing knowledge to everyone. Together with this team of talented people, we believe that we are achieving this dream.

Introducing our Mentors


Jo and Sarah

Head of Mentors

Jo是我们的内部基础策略师,他在选择股票方面具 有非常高的眼光。他所使用的策略能够让他很容易 地从报告中筛选出回报率可以超过100%的股票。 通过反馈,Jo也经常乐于助人帮助他的学员实现每 年增长两位数百分比的投资组合。他自认为自己是 一位相当保守的投资者,他的投资理念也是效仿我 们的股神沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett) 的。

Sarah是我们的投资组合优化专家,她专门帮助我 们的学生在他们现有的投资组合中每月创造出多 4-5位数的投资收益。许多学员都会请求Sarah帮 助他们分析和重建他们的投资组合,以便让我们的 学员更快的实现他们的投资目标。

Josarah是 Next Level 的实力投资夫妇,他们 教会了世界各地的学生如何安全地投资并且从中获 利。他们的学生有来自于美国、日本、香港、泰国 、马来西亚和新加坡等国家。Jo和Sarah也被邀请 在多个媒体平台上发表言论,曾在SPH电台的 89.3 MoneyFM 上做过专题报道。

Pete Tan

Adjunct Mentor & Fund Manager

Pete是一位非常受欢迎的投资教练,他曾在南非、澳大利亚、 日本、香港、台湾等地的全球舞台上发表过言论。他的专业领 域是成长型投资、技术分析和投资心理学。

凭借其8位数的投资组合管理背景,Pete帮助过我们无数个的学 员在动荡的市场环境中站稳了脚,用的就是他对于市场前景的 远见卓识和配置策略。他也曾多次与玛丽•巴菲特(MaryBuffett) 交谈,及热爱和我们的学生分享他的投资论文和股票分析。

Joanne Cheah

100% Exponential Growth Award Achiever

Joanne Cheah 是来自马来西亚的导师,她擅长为零基础的初学者提 供结构化的培训。作为少数种能将逆境转化为力量的人物之一,她尽 然在最具挑战性的环境下成功实现了200%投资组合的增长。

她坚信,要想在投资组合中实现持续的指数增长,就必须具备金融知 识和良好0的心理状态。虽然她不是出身于富裕家庭,但她依然坚定 只要每个投资者拥有独立的思考和做好完善调查功课,都可以获得持 久的财务成功。身为 “期权富翁独家指导” 的导师,Joanne 是每 位学员的的光辉榜样,因为只要是她许下的承诺绝对都会坚持到底去 实现,让投资组合的指数持续性的增长和突破。

• 马来西亚人的经纪导航 • 制定化的电话辅导
• 保持指数增长的心态

Sandy Ang

100% Exponential Growth Award Achiever

Started her investing journey searching for a sustainable tool to grow her portfolio. She has achieved these by evaluating businesses within her circle of competence and continuously optimising a system that can weather the market cycles.

She strongly believes in developing conviction in the companies before investing, through thorough research of the business models and identifying their future growth. Leveraging on her financial background, she combines both fundamental and technical analysis to achieve 100% portfolio growth.

At OMM, Sandy is recognised for her consistency and versatility; constantly seeking ways to improve her investing system.


  • Developing a sustainable system

  • Deep diving into financial reports and business models

  • Cultivating the right mindset for long term investing

Siyo Jun Jie

$100K Award Winner

Jun Jie 的强项是为首次投资者创建制定化的投资组合。他擅长根据 个人的增长目标制定可持续的投资组合计划。

他非常坚信 “锚定效应”,所以在赚钱的同时也要不停的进修,我们 才可以在市场波动的时候也能睡个好觉,就因为这种模式让他的投资 组合在一年内就突破式增长了5-6位数。身为 “期权富翁独家指导” 的导师, Jun Jie擅长将基本面和技术分析与期权投资做结合,以可持 续的方式增长投资组合。Jun Jie 都会用很耐心且循序渐进的方法,去 帮助他的学员掌握好自己的投资组合。

Jun Jie 的专业领域:
• 创建投资组合
• 加强投资技能
• 利用心态将风险合理化

Jaxton Lui

Portfolio System Strategist

Jaxton专业于帮助刚起步的的投资者设计合适且个人化的投资组合。 他最擅长的领域就是帮助他的学员创造有系统化的个人投资组合,并 且帮助他们更快的实现财务目标。


身为 “期权富翁独家指导“ 的导师, Jaxton对于投资的基本和技术方 面都非常有经验,并且热衷于帮助他人更好地管理他们的投资组合。

Jaxton的专业领域: • 长期投资组合策略 • 强化心理环境
• 被动投资方法

Daniel Chin

Stalwart Tactical Strategist

Is a firm practitioner of building robust portfolios that can withstand the test of the ups and downs of the Market.

A tactical researcher at heart, he has a knack for identifying businesses with long runway for growth, and has achieved a consistent return of 20% YoY on his 5-figure portfolio.

At OMM, Daniel is our R&D Engineer and is best known for generating financial tools that take the community’s research and analysis to the next level.


  • Building Robust Portfolios

  • Identifying Stalwarts with Long Runway for Growth

  • Financial Tools for Efficient Investing & Portfolio Management

Jvn Yi

Exponential Growth Achiever 

Hailing from Malaysia, Jvn Yi specializes in building up small portfolios. He has grown his portfolio from 4-Figures to 6-Figures through deep evaluation of strong companies, setting up of sustainable portfolio plans, and increase his ROI through the use of Options Strategies.

Inspired by Warren Buffett, Jvn Yi seeks to adhere to a Compounder Mindset where Buffett reads everyday to build up and compound his investing knowledge and skills.

Jvn Yi’s results reflect the effort that he has put into learning and compounding his knowledge. In terms of value-add to the OMM community, he is able to craft and create very clean and sustainable systems for each mentee to kickstart their unique journeys.


  • Long Term Compounding Wealth Management.
  • Investing of New Asset Classes (Crypto & Stocks)
  • Developing Personalized Investment Frameworks

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It's far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price.

Warren Buffett